
The forum meets three or four times a year on Saturday mornings.

In addition the BPF committee meet senior managers at Bristol Parks prior to each meeting and at other times if it is considered necessary.

Next Meeting:

Saturday 6th July 2024 9.30am – This meeting will be held on Zoom

Please email or see our email updates for details of how to join the meeting.

Last Meeting:

Saturday 9th March 2024  – Headley Park Church Hall – hosted by Manor Woods Valley Group


Meetings are in person on Saturday mornings in community centres around Bristol. Meetings are 9.30 – 12.30 with a break for tea / coffee and networking at around 11am.

Our meetings are organised by the BPF. The meetings are for representatives of member groups, they are not public meetings. If you have not been to one of our meetings before any of our members will be pleased to welcome you and to explain the format and who is who. Please do introduce yourself to anyone in the room when you arrive.

Although our costs are low we rely on donations. Groups, or individuals, can help by donating, say, £10 a year. Donations are entirely voluntary. Donations by cash or cheque will be accepted at meetings or contact us for our bank account details.

Thank you to everyone who has made donations either on behalf of a group or as individuals.

Previous meetings:

Saturday 13th January 2024 – BCC Parks & Green Spaces Strategy Consultation  – Greenway Centre

Final Minutes

Saturday 14th October 2023 – Eastville Park Community Hub (The Nissen Hut)


AGM Process

BCC Parks Service Report to Meeting 14th Oct

BCC Local Plan Presentation to Meeting 14th Oct

Saturday 1st July 2023, Greenway Centre, Southmead (Raleigh Room)

Minutes here

Presentations: Local PlanStrengthening RelationshipsYour Park

Saturday 11th March 2023 – Victoria Park Bowling Club


BCC Parks Service Strategies Presentation

Boys In Bristol Photograpy Parks Project

Inclusive Career Pathways ‘One Front Door’

Postcode Wildlife GroupsTrees & Wildlife in Your Local Park

Sat 15th October 2022 – Eastville Park Community Hub (The Nissen Hut)

MinutesBCC Managing for Nature Presentation

Sat 2nd July 2022 – Raleigh room, Greenway Centre, – Minutes

Sat 26th February 2022 – St George – Minutes

Sat 16th October 2021 – on zoom – minutes here

Sat 15th May 2021 – Zoom – minutes

Sat 13th February 2021 by zoom – Minutes

BPF Consultation Paper –  Cycling and Walking Infrastructure

Parks & Green Spaces Strategy Presentation

Sat 17th October 2020 – by Zoom – Minutes

Pre-meeting papers for information:  BPF update on Ecological and Climate EmergencyBPF update on Grass cutting in parksParks and Green spaces strategyBristol & Bath Parks Foundation

Presentations: Future Parks Update (Jon James, BCC Head of Parks)A Green Infrastructure Strategy for Bristol? (Richard Goldthorpe BCC Place Shaping Manager)

Ecological Emergency Meetings:

We have held two special meetings via Zoom to continue a discussion on the Ecological & Climate Emergencies that started at our February meeting. We had intended to focus on this at our cancelled May meeting.

Notes of BPF Ecological Emergency Meeting Sat 27th June 2020

Notes of BPF Ecological Emergency Meeting Sat 8th August 2020

15th February 2020 – Redcatch Community CentreAgenda

Volunteering PresentationParks Foundation Presentation

Parks Group Pledge Feb 2020 Check here for updates

19th October 2019 – Greenway Centre, Southmead – Minutes.

Presentations: My Wild CityCan Do BristolVolunteering UpdateParks EnforcementBristol Future Parks

18th May 2019 Summerhill Methodist Church, St GeorgeMinutes

16th February 2019 – Greenway Centre, Southmead (Drake Room)Minutes

20th October 2018 (AGM) – Redcatch Community CentreMinutes

30th June 2018 – Summerhill Methodist Church, St GeorgeMinutes

28th April 2018 – Summerhill Methodist Church, St GeorgeMinutesLocal Plan Open Spaces PresentationAWT My Wild City Presentation

24th Feb 2018 – Redcatch Community CentreMinutes

Saturday 14 Oct 2017 – Westbury-on-Trym Methodist Church – MinutesVolunteering StrategyParkWorkGoodGymParks Savings & IncomeRevised Bristol Parks Forum Terms of Reference

Saturday 24th June 2017 – Redcatch Community CentreMinutes

Saturday 8th April 2017 – Ashton Court –Minutes

Saturday 28th January 2017 – at Ashton Court – Minutes

Sat 15th Oct 2016 at Windmill Hill City FarmMinutes

Sat 18th June 2016 – Minutes

Sat 16th April 2016 – MinutesNotes of BPF Review

Sat 30th January 2016 – Minutes

Sat 10th October 2015 – Minutes

Sat 18 April, Sat 27 June 2015

Sat 31 January 2015 – Minutes
Presentations (pdf): South Bristol SkylineParkWorkParkHive
Parks Structure Chart (issued after the meeting)

Sat 11 Oct 2014- Minutes.
Revised Bristol Parks Forum Terms of Reference as adopted at the meeting

Sat 28th June 2014 – MinutesWorkshop notes

Sat 12th April 2014 – Minutes

Sat 8 March 2014 – Minutes here

Sat 12 October 2013 – Minutes here

Sat 05 October 2013  – Extra meeting with Mayor, George Ferguson – Minutes here

Sat 29 June 2013  – Minutes here

Sat 13 April 2013 – Minutes hereWorkshop notes

Sat 9th February 2013 (re-arranged date, due to snow) – Minutes here
Papers & Links:
Justin Smith: Tree FellingCoppicing
BNHC Bristol 99:
Park Monitoring: Explanation and report on
Management Plans:
TreeBristol: Update on park planting plansGuide for Tree Planting Events

Sat 13th October 2012 – St Werburghs CentreMinutes here
Papers relating to issues to be discussed:
Green Flag Awards
Capital Investment in Parks, UpdateCapital Investment in Parks, programme
Proposed changes to BPF Terms of Reference
Bristol It’s Your Neighbourhood Awards 2012
Area Environment Officers – Update with names & contact details – October 2012
Area Environment Officers – Map with names & contact details – October 2012
Ash trees under threat
Report on 2012 Entente Florale, including judges comments
Slide show of Community Payback in Bristol

Sat 14th July 2012 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here

Sat 21 April 2012 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here
Information on issues discussed:
Open Public Services White Paper –
Knowle West Presentation by Len, NSI –
Revised AGSP proposals for Knowle West –
BPF response to Central Area Action Plan Consultation –
National Planning Policy Framework update – 2012.pdf
Bristol Development Framework update –
Flow Chart – approving features to be installed in parks –
Area Environment Officers, Update & contacts –

Sat 14 Jan 2012 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here

Sat 15 Oct 2011- at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here
Papers on Neighbourhood Engagement TeamCommittee as elected

Saturday 16 July 2011 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here

Saturday 16 April 2011 – at at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here
Agenda Note – BPF Position on the P&GSS
Agenda Note – Current Rules for Events on Bristol Parks

Saturday 29 January 2011 – at at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here

Saturday 9 October 2010 – at Netham PavilionMinutes here

Saturday 17 July 2010 – Netham Pavilion – Minutes
The main subject of discussion was the Area Green Space Plans.
The minutes include links to the various appendix documents.

Saturday 10th April 2010 – Netham Pavilion – Minutes here.
The following papers give information on topics discussed:
1. Note on Organisational Change
2. List of Park Keepers
3. Events Briefing Note
4. Proposal for Park Group Agreements
5. List of Section 106 money available for Parks

Saturday 16th January 2010 – Vassall Centre, Fishponds BS16 2QQ – Minutes here.
This meeting was followed by a very interesting visit to Snuff Mills hosted by the Snuff Mills Action Group.

Saturday 31st October 2009 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes; Events Workshop Notes; Play Pathfinder Display;
Saturday 25th July 2009 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes; App 1 – Events; App 2 – Parks’ Support to BPF
Saturday 16th May 2009 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here
BPF Saturday 24th January 2009 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here
BPF Saturday 11th October 2008 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here
Meeting with Bristol Parks 7th October 2008: Notes of meeting
BPF Saturday 12th July 2008 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here
BPF Saturday 19th April 2008 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here
BPF Saturday 19th January 2008 – at Windmill Hill City Farm – Minutes here